This site is part of my continuing  journey into consciousness and has developed from my insights into the simple truth of who we are. This has come from not just my own work , but also from work and input from others in group energy environments.

My feeling for a while now, which was confirmed to me last year through working with others, has been that there are so many layers of  misinformation that separate us from the truth of who we are.  And my feeling last year was that when we are finally able to remove the layers, the actual truth(s) underneath are probably going to be very simple.  Almost boring really, for our egos which love the dramas surrounding our existence.

So I felt that if I could start to ‘read between the lines’ and connect to my intuition, to be able to discern truth from fiction that I would be able to discover what has been lying underneath these layers all this time.

My journey to this point has been very much one of ‘self’ discovery.  It is like discovering that all this time, I had the bulb of a most exquisitely beautiful flower, buried under layers of mud of misinformation, that has finally been exposed to the light, and has been allowed to bloom.

And it is very much a journey of continuing self discovery. One which I intend to share through articles and blogs, with the additional company of other writers who are also currently working to discover their own truths.